Carolyn Berger, LCSW
For many, the path to parenthood isn't easy.
I can work with you to make it easier.
Sort out your options and develop your family building plan in a compassionate and accepting environment.
Learn how to better nurture your relationships.
Discover ways to raise your child with an awareness of their beginnings.
I can meet with you throughout your journey and afterwards. I’ve been helping couples and individuals create their families for over 30 years.
For an appointment call: 914-523-2270, or,

Copyright © Carolyn Berger, LCSW All rights reserved.

Carolyn Berger, LCSW, has been helping couples and individuals create families through fertility treatment and adoption for over three decades. She supports family building for couples, singles and members of the LGBTQ+ community.Her desire to help those who are struggling to build families comes from her own experience with infertility. She is the parent of two sons, one through reproductive technology and one through adoption.Carolyn believes that a successful family building journey continues after the baby comes home. People often need help transitioning to parenthood. Many benefit from coaching later on so they can talk to their children about their beginnings.Carolyn often works with people who embark on pregnancy after a loss, understanding that they can benefit from extra support. She has worked with couples and individuals who have experienced miscarriages and stillbirths on their journey towards parenthood.IS COUNSELING FOR YOU?When considering fertility treatment or adoption, counseling offers a safe place for you to express your emotions, explore your options and plan your next steps. Counseling can help you cope with a myriad of emotional issues that arise.For those of you who want to consider the child-free option, a new kind of life without children, counseling can help you open a new door to the future.
Carolyn Provides Reports to Fertility Clinics:
Egg and Sperm Donor Evaluations
Recipients Reports for Couples and Individuals Using Donor Egg, Donor Sperm, or Donor Embryo.
Surrogacy : Gestational Carrier Evaluations and Intended Parents Reports
Carolyn is a licensed clinical social worker (LCSW) who practices in New York State. She offers the options of telehealth and in-person sessions.Carolyn is the founding board chair of Path2Parenhood and a board member of Family Equality. She is a member of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM), the ASRM Mental Health Professionals Group (MHPG), and the Adoptive Parents Committee (APC). She is a team member at The Center for Family Building. She is affiliated with the National Council of Jewish Women’s Pregnancy Loss Support Program.She received her MSW degree from NYU in 1986. Carolyn has a post-graduate certificate in Adoption Therapy from The Hunter College Graduate School of Social Work. She is a member of The Academy of Certified Social Workers, The National Association of Social Workers, and the New York State Society of Clinical Social Workers.Carolyn stays current with the fast paced fields of infertility and adoption by participating in conferences and extensive post-graduate trainings.She writes and speaks frequently on fertility and adoption.


Carolyn Berger, LCSW
Phone : 914-523-2270
Email :